Review: C-Jello Collagen Jelly Bar

Great day everyone. It is more than two weeks actually and here is the time to see whether C-Jello Jelly Bar gives what it is promising! If you are a little blur, this post is the second part of a collagen product named as C-Jello Collagen Jelly Bar. I have written an introduction about it in the previous post, you can check it out here >> Intro: C-Jello Collagen Jelly Bar.

If you start reading from here, I assumed you have already read the introduction. So, I will directly straight to the point – reviewing the jelly bar now.
15 sachets of C-Jello Collagen Jelly Bar are packed in one metal box. Meaning that, 2 boxes for 2 weeks since consumer needs to take one in the morning and one at night. The packaging is very handy. If you are going to work in the morning and having a dinner afterward, you can always keep the collagen jelly bar in your handbag. Or if you are on vacation, bring the sufficient sachets will do. Another good thing is you don’t have to worry finding a cup to mix it into water since it is in jelly form.

I can’t agree more C-Jello Collagen Jelly Bar is the tastiest collagen I have taken so far. It tastes the same like the jelly we eat; it was mild sweet. Don’t forget to drink more water when you are having C-Jello Collagen Jelly Bar. Personally think you won’t forget because I felt thirsty always during the consumption period. It has good and bad. The good thing was I drank more water than usual; bad thing was I always have to make sure I have a bottle of water with me everywhere.

Coming to the result, has C-Jello Collagen Jelly Bar transformed my skin? The answer is YES. The wound on my left top started to recover two days after consuming the jelly bar. Basically, during the third day, the mark was invisible if I didn’t purposely walk to the mirror and see it in close up. 

Not sure if you are able to notice the difference of my cheek. It is getting smoother during the past two weeks consumption of C-Jello Collagen Jelly Bar. I believe if I continue to consume this product, the result will be more obvious! However, the price is the reason that I have stopped to consume it. Overall, I love its convenience and its taste. The result is what it promised. Nonetheless, if they could reduce the price, I would consider purchasing it again.

Product Name: C-Jello Collagen Jelly Bar
Price: RM596
Where to Buy: SkinSoul Boutique, Lower Ground, MidValley (Opposite Speedy)*

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  1. Never heard about this C-Jelly Collagen Jelly Bar so I have to backread your previous post. Looking at your photos, I must agree that it made positive effect on your skin. But with a high price. Also, I agree that drinking more water is a good way to attain healthy skin.

  2. Wow I would love to try this although I bet this is not available in our country. I've been interested in trying collagen after the derma told me that I lacked collagen after giving birth resulting to sensitivity of my skin. 🙁

  3. Wow those are very obvious results! I wonder if I could find it in Manila. I definitely wanna give this a try! Im okay with being thirsty a lot because I love water anyway and I really drink a lot to begin with,

  4. Oh cool, an update! I was so curious about this because it's in jelly form, hehe. The results are really visible! I can see how your skin cleared up after two weeks. That's so awesome!


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